giovedì 15 ottobre 2009

Woah, today was a really hard day. I had this class homework in which I had to read a text took from an old book in which the author talked about the time when public school was founded and how impressed he was from learning new things when he was a young boy, and then make a free comment about it. I was supposed to talk about the importance of learning today for being 'someone' in a world full of ignorants and how lucky we are to go to school but things just took another course. Something in my mind just went on and wrote about the 'decadence' of school. I just gave vent to what I really think of teachers and class mates. I have written a lot of really wrong things and I think I will probably be in troubles after this but I honestly don't care, 'cause it was inherent with the homework since it was all about a free comment about school, and it's actually my sincere thought. I just hope I won't be misunderstood, 'cause you know, my teachers is really good at misunderstanding: he's blind. By the way this thing really made me tired and I still have a lot of things to do... and I'd better start now.

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