sabato 24 ottobre 2009

Woah, these last days have been so fucking hard. School tests, fortunately went okay, fights with some old friends and ridiculous people. But finally I've found the time to update this shitty blog.
i've gotten so tired... thanks god tomorrow it's sunday so I can sleep all day long.
If there's something that really impressed me in these days, I have to say definitely some people disappointing habits. Old friends that revealed their jealousy and self competition or people who I have always considered cool but revealed instead all their stupidity. And I'm really sorry about that. I wonder, talking about someone in particular, if in these four years, spent attending the same school and trying to start something together, but never turning out, if there has ever been the possibility to really start something. And with something I mean a really cool friendship based on true common tastes and thoughts. Cause I really wanted to. That's something i know will i will never find out, cause we're still too shy to even say hi, but too good to mess up everything.

Whoever she is, she's my actual erotic obsession lol.

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